SKETCHBOOK: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
When I shoot engagement sessions, I personally like to be able to feel the affection between the couple. I have no empirical evidence of what I'm about to say, but I think it's really there. When the...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Junior with Senior Skills
The moment Patrick Dumire stepped onto the field at Valley High School's Viking Harbor he immediately represented an upgrade to the offense. And this was while he was an 8th grader. Now he's a junior...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Getting in the Dress
One of the main focuses of wedding photography on the day of the ceremony is the dress. And why not? Wedding dresses are usually one of the main takeaways from the day. The couple, of course, is the...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: I Kissed a Girl
No irony. No shock value. Tanya and Jennifer are getting married so yes, they kissed and girl and they liked it. Remember when, in the past, this would have been considered shocking and scandalous and...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: De-Fense…De-Fense
It's another Friday game day for the Valley High School Vikings and they welcome Western High School into Viking Harbor to get this work. Or at least, that's what us fans want to have happen,...
View ArticleFOOTBALL: Western at Valley
The Valley High School Vikings took to the field at Viking Harbor last night to host fellow South End rival Western High School for a showdown. Was the game hard fought? You bet. Was it officiated...
View ArticleFOOTBALL: Valley vs Breckenridge County
The Valley High School football Vikings had to ride an hour away from their home base of Viking Harbor to meet the Breckenridge County Tigers. It was a fruitful trip for the Vikings record as they came...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Carson With Two Grown Ups
That's my new friend Carson. He brought two adults with him to his photoshoot yesterday. He calls them mom and dad. Actually, he will call them mom and dad as soon as we can talk.
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: My Third Lockhart
A few years ago, I got a chance to work with Abby, then her sister Emily and on Sunday, third sister Molly. And each of those young ladies have been their own dream to work with. Mother Lynn has raised...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Carson the Cutie
How can you not love that face? My new buddy Carson and I made some pretty nice photos the past weekend, including this one. You know how some babies are just happy? That's Carson. The only break in...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Model Tall Senior
I met Molly a few years ago when I was doing senior portraits of her eldest sister, Abby. Even at that time, you could see how close the sisters are and what great personalities they had. They are all...
View ArticleSketchbook: It’s Not Fair
Yes, you’re right. It’s not fair that momma Lynn has such beautiful daughters. I’m editing senior photos from the third one now and have already warned the fourth that she’s next. Last year, Molly got...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Carson Brings Cute to the Family
So you’ve seen that cute kid Carson, right? And now that I think about it, that should be his nickname. Or, at least, his hip hop name: Cute Kid Carson. He can have that, but I’ll need royalties....
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Senior Night at Valley
What a journey it’s been. My son, London, joined the Valley High School football team the summer before his Freshman year, excited but nervous. He liked football but had no idea what to expect when it...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Mighty Molly
Awesome senior Molly put up with me for a few more photos that I thought were important to documenting her life as a Butler High School senior. It’s one if those things about senior photos that I think...
View ArticleSKETCHBOOK: Real Dads
As a doting father who brags about his kids everytime he can to anyone who will listen, I hate that dads sometimes are a maligned group. Yes, I realize there are times that some guys fuel that...
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